
Am Heumarkt 13, 1030 Wien
T +43 (1) 717 63-0
F +43 (1) 717 63-50
VAT ID number: ATU 50812900
Commercial register number: FN 203078w
Vienna Commercial Court (Handelsgericht Wien)
Member of the Chamber
of Chartered Accountants (www.ksw.or.at)
General Conditions of Contract
for the Public Accounting Professions
provided by the Chamber of
Chartered Accountants
Managing Director:
Mag. Doris Hohenegger
Dr. Patricia Hueber
Am Heumarkt 13, 1030 Wien
T +43 (1) 717 63-0
F +43 (1) 717 63-50
VAT ID number: ATU 65608416
Commercial register number: FN 342933p
Vienna Commercial Court (Handelsgericht Wien)
Member of the Chamber
of Chartered Accountants (www.ksw.or.at)
General Conditions of Contract
for the Public Accounting Professions
provided by the Chamber of
Chartered Accountants
Managing Directors:
Mag. Hans Hammerschmied
Mag. Christian Rauter
www.hhp.eu is the website of HHP Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung. The basic direction of the medium is determined by the corporate purpose of HHP Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung. As part of a professional, quality-conscious and personal support we provide you with information on selected tax law topics and on our current activities. Subsidiary: AT Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH.
AD-Ventures Werbeagentur GmbH
Göstinger Straße 173,
A-8051 Graz
T +43 / 316 / 29 15 12
F +43 / 316 / 29 15 12 – 15