independent, creative, professional


Nowadays, specialists are needed for the individual specialist areas and universalists who maintain an overview. That is how we are positioned. Broadly spread competences that enable us to find individual and extraordinary solutions for you.

In addition, over 30 years of experience paired with the élan of a dynamic team. This mix is quite something. Our Steuerberatung GmbH supports you with classic consulting services such as accounting, payroll accounting, preparation of annual financial statements, tax consulting – our Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH offers auditing services of all kinds.

What’s more, we are even authorized to perform quality assurance audits at other auditing companies. Furthermore, we can look back on decades of experience in the field of artists and cultural enterprises, as well as doctors and health institutions.

Through Morison Global we are a member of a strong international association, which is represented in 88 countries with 371 locations worldwide. You can also trust us beyond the borders.

But the most important thing:
We are there for you!
Fast and solution-oriented.